National Children's Gardening Week
It's National Children's Gardening Week in the UK, and we're here to help you and your little one get closer to nature and connect with the world around us.
We have ideas for all ages and interests. No garden? No problem! There's so much you can do to celebrate our planet indoors too.
Read on to discover our green-fingered activities to enjoy this half-term.
It's playtime
Help little ones learn and discover the world around them with this wonderful sensory activity.
There is so much fun to be had creating a special nature soup for playing, splashing and pouring (but definitely not drinking!).
For older ones, why not try creating fragrant petal perfumes using what you can find in your garden?
Recycling wonders
Raid the recycling bin and get creative reimagining the humble plant pot.
Tin cans, plastic bottles and food packaging are great choices to decorate with crafts and paint. Why not give your pots faces and watch them grow hair?!
Grown-up help is best for making holes in the bottom of the containers so water can drain.

Floral crafting
Have you heard of Tataki-zomé? Also known as flower pounding, this ancient Japanese technique involves 'hammering' plants to transfer dye and create beautiful patterns on fabric or paper.
You can enjoy your flowers long after the season ends with this fabulous activity.
This is a great idea for older children and can be used to craft cards to send to friends and family.
Inside magic
Invite the beauty of the great outdoors into your home by creating an indoor fairy garden.
Gather twigs, grass and stones from your local park and arrange these in a pot or bowl to create a miniature garden.
You could even use some dolls house furniture or a bird box to make your fairies nice and comfortable.

Insect abodes
Encourage pollinating pals into your garden and your blooms will definitely thank you.
Our bee B&B is easy to make using materials you can find around your home.
If you fancy playing host to more ground-dwelling invertebrates, rest your B&B lower and keep an eye out for beetles, woodlice, millipedes, centipedes, earwigs and spiders.
Munch, munch, munch
If you're hoping to encourage a love of greens, why not try growing your own? There are so many plants which are easy-peasy for little ones to plant and nurture.
Try tomatoes, courgettes and lettuces for super satisfying and in-season veggies.
If you're looking for something yummy that can be grown indoors, give herbs like basil, parsley or cress a go. Your dinner will never taste better!